Iguacu Falls
Here goes another after the fact posting. It's really February 28th and I'm in Ho Chi Mihn City (Saigon), Vietnam but we've been too busy and having too much fun to post to the blog. Iguacu was hot and nice the end.... Ok, so Iguacu was actually ungodly hot. Ballpark 100 degrees farenheit and really, really humid. However, the falls were truely breathtaking. I've not yet been to niagra but the local Brazilians and Argentines who share the claim to the falls are more than happy to quote Eleanor Roosevelt when she first laid eyes on the falls..."Oh, poor Niagra." If the niece of the President who created our National Parks can sit there and disrespect our natural wonders then that's a statement for you (kind of twisted side note... her husband and her uncle were cousins per www.whitehouse.gov). Ewa had been to the falls already so I had my own personal tour guide at my beckon call. We started on the Brazilian side for the panoramic view of the falls which includes getting soaked from the spray as you look down the "Devil's Throat".
The next day we headed back to the falls only this time we hit the Argentine side. Here you can walk pretty close to some of the falls which is fun to hear the roar, feel the spray and realize just how powerful a force water can be. During the heat of the day we signed up for a boat ride. This boat looked like something the Navy Seals would use as a fast attack boat and it's used only to run you quickly into and out of the bottom of the falls taking you as close as they can safely do. Pretty cool! Needless to say, you are SOAKED when you get off the boat.
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