Happy Holidays
Dear Friends and Family, As the holiday season is upon us, we would like to share with you all a few highlights from this past year. Since the beginning of the year we have both worked our buts off; in March/April we were both promoted at work; we rushed through the planning of our wedding; had a blast at our wedding (or so James is told as he can´t remember half the night); after the wedding we became homeless by moving our of our apartment and putting our things in the new Todd & Joy mansion; Ewa had to quit her job; PwC gave James a 6-month sabbatical; all this to be able to pursue our dream honeymoon - the trip around the world (well...kind of). We left in November and since have explored Peru, lots of Bolivia and tomorrow we are heading to Argentina. We hope that your year has been great and wish each of you a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! See you all in May 2007 when we return from our trip. Love James & Ewa
Happy Holidays to you both also!!! Sounds like you really had a busy year. James - your wife is beautiful, I hope to meet her one day! Ewa - you have a great guy, he has been a great friend of mine for about 20 years! I wish you both the best and congratulations!!
James and Ewa, I wish for each of you a very merry holiday season with tons of unique memories and an exciting and healthy new year. Love you both!
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