Sunday, December 03, 2006


... no not the famous one from Brazil - we visited that city on another trip and will be happy to discuss it with anybody over a couple of cold caipirinhas... This is the Bolivian Copacabana - a cute town on the shore of lake Tititaca. It was nice just to stroll the streets and relax for a day. Besides the lake and cafes there really isn´t much to do there. ... and if you ae looking for a cork screw - good luck! restaurants say that ¨these things¨you buy in La Paz! However, there is an interestng ritual performed every day- which we could not miss - it is a ¨car baptism¨ We kid you not! This is a form of Bolivian Auto Insurance. You ¨dress up¨ you new ¨baby¨ (the car), pay a priest about 10 Bolivianos (1.25 USD) and he blesses your car for you to ward off any bad luck!... we are just not sure if it is supposed to protect you or the person that you hit....


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